Unexpected donor steps up to save her friend’s life

Originally coming from America, Black Friday is the day after Thanks giving which sees an impulsive sale across stores in preparation for Christmas. Consumers purchase what they need at exceptionally low prices for just one day only.Black Friday is set to take place on Friday the 29th of November, which means a day of sales across the UK taking place for one day only.

Offering up to 50% off of selected items, stores across the UK including London will draw people in there millions to devour bargains, whether it be fore themselves or somebody else.

The earliest evidence of the phrase Black Friday applied to the day after Thanksgiving in a shopping context suggests that the term originated in Philadelphia, where it was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. This usage dates to at least 1961. More than twenty years later, as the phrase became more widespread, a popular explanation became that this day represented the point in the year when retailers begin to turn a profit, thus going from being “in the red” to being “in the black”.

If this is true, you maybe wondering. Why New York?

Well, this level of discount is also applicable to names such as Harrods, Dolce and Gobanna, Stella Mcartney, Prada and more. A cosmopolitan paradise such as this makes a “dream come true” experience for people who value designers. All of these named stores can be located in London.

Lighten up trees, carol singers, screaming market traders, combined with the cold crisp air and mouth watering food smells, create a festive and seasonal utopia for those all around. Embedded within this joy, are shops all around tailored for everyone. Stemming from local independent traders and large brand names across the world, London is a “shoppers paradise” and one day in particular is just around the corner to truly heighten this experience.

Black Friday is set to take place on Friday the 29th of November, which means a day of sales across the UK taking place for one day only. Offering up to 50% off of selected items, stores across the UK including London will draw people in there millions to devour bargains, whether it be fore themselves or somebody else.

But wait, these bargains don’t just finish there, say tuned as we will be offering discounted for our Young Learner courses in 2019.

Lighten up trees, carol singers, screaming market traders, combined with the cold crisp air and mouth watering food smells, create a festive and seasonal utopia for those all around. Embedded within this joy, are shops all around tailored for everyone. Stemming from local independent traders and large brand names across the world.

Offering up to 50% off of selected items, stores across the UK including London will draw people in there millions to devour bargains, whether it be fore themselves or somebody else.

In respect of this, London, an iconic city of history, culture and beauty, holds an impeccable reputation worldwide, attracting millions of tourists on an annual basis. With this in mind as we head to the Christmas period here i the Big Smoke, festivities will be anything but discreet from every street corner. 

The biggest difference between the two tests is the speaking section. In TOEFL you speak to a computer, which students may find very unnatural, but during the IELTS exam you speak to a real person, which makes it feel more like a real conversation.

А range of question types which test a number of different skills.

To summarize: if you prefer multiple choice questions, feel more comfortable writing on a keyboard, and find the American accent easier to understand, the TOEFL may be better for you. If you enjoy writing with a pen, feel more comfortable talking to a person rather than a microphone, prefer a variety of different question types, and like a shorter test length with both academic and general English then the IELTS is better for you.

  • Lighten up trees, carol singers, screaming market traders, combined with the cold crisp air and mouth watering food smells, create a festive and seasonal utopia for those all around.
  • Embedded within this joy, are shops all around tailored for everyone.
  • Stemming from local independent traders and large brand names across the world, London is a “shoppers paradise” and one day in particular is just around the corner to truly heighten this experience.

Lighten up trees, carol singers, screaming market traders, combined with the cold crisp air and mouth watering food smells, create a festive and seasonal utopia for those all around.

Embedded within this joy, are shops all around tailored for everyone. Stemming from local independent traders and large brand names across the world.

Offering up to 50% off of selected items, stores across the UK including London will draw people in there millions to devour bargains, whether it be fore themselves or somebody else . 

But wait, these bargains don’t just finish there, say tuned as we will be offering discounted for our Young Learner courses in 2019.

Black Friday is set to take place on Friday the 29th of November, which means a day of sales across the UK taking place for one day only. Offering up to 50% off of selected items, stores across the UK including London will draw people in there millions to devour bargains, whether it be fore themselves or somebody else.

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前列腺癌個案年創新高 誰應接受篩查?

▲趙家鋒醫生-香港中文大學醫學院, 泌尿外科副教授 根據醫管局最新公布的癌症統計數字,本港2019年前列腺癌新症個案達2532宗,位列男性常見癌症第三位,較2009年的1484宗,升幅達七成,是各癌症之中升幅最快的。 本港約26% 前列腺癌患者在確診時已屆晚期,屬無法根治的轉移性前列腺癌,而歐美僅約10-15%。那麼,我們應該怎樣去檢測前列腺癌?重點是需要一個有系統的篩查方法,在避免過度診斷的同時,亦能揪出早期及具有風險的前列腺癌,提升根治的機會。 前列腺特異抗原(Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA) 這是一項血液測試,乃前列腺癌篩查的第一步,自90年代沿用至今。PSA值高於4ng/ml 為高於正常,以往的病人一律被建議作入侵性的前列腺穿刺活檢(抽針),惟他們當中有75-85%最終證實沒有患上前列腺癌。事實上,PSA 值可以因良性前列腺增生或尿道炎等原因而高於正常,不一定是前列腺癌。男士接受抽針檢查須承受相關併發症風險,包括出血、發炎和短期排尿困難等。所以,PSA只是診斷前列腺癌的第一步,若高於正常,就要進行下一步的血液、尿液、或影像診斷以評估抽針檢查的需要。 前列腺健康指數(Prostate Health Index, PHI) PHI是一項血液測試,以評估PSA值高的男士中患上前列腺癌的機率。PHI 評分越高,風險越高。若PHI值小於35,患上前列腺癌的風險較低(3-7%),建議繼續監測PSA的趨勢;若PHI在35或以上,患上前列腺癌的風險較高(約25-40%),建議接受磁力共振掃描(MRI)及/或前列腺抽針檢查。 PHI測試已於2016年引進醫管局,提供予PSA 4-20ng/dL的男士。恰當使用PHI可有效減少七至八成PSA高的男士進行不必要的抽針檢查,減少病人的風險,並將資源集中於高風險(PHI值高)的男士。 尿精胺檢測(Urine spermine test) 這是一種嶄新的無創前列腺癌檢測方法,由香港中文大學及浸會大學以在香港的男士為對象研發,只需收集20至30毫升的尿液便可檢測出尿精胺水平,結合直腸指檢結果、PSA水平及前列腺體積,得出「精胺風險評分」,可更準確評估前列腺癌的風險。利用這尿精胺檢測可以避免部分男士接受不必要的抽針檢查,惟這項檢測暫時並非公立醫院的恆常檢測。 磁力共振掃描(MRI) 昔日大多利用超聲波引導進行前列腺抽針檢查,惟超聲波並不能有效分辨良性前列腺增生或前列腺癌,這樣的抽針缺乏針對性,且隨機式的抽針有機會遺漏了癌症。目前泌尿外科醫生可利用磁力共振-超聲波融合導航定位,找出前列腺中疑似有腫瘤的位置,大大提高命中率。 前列腺抽針:經直腸vs經會陰? 傳統前列腺抽針檢查會將超聲波探頭放進直腸並掃描前列腺,然後利用細針穿刺作檢驗,惟直腸內的細菌有機會在檢查過程中進入血液而引起嚴重的感染,發生率約百分之三。目前大部分前列腺抽針檢查已改為經會陰皮膚穿刺,細針毋須接觸糞便,大大減低感染風險至千分之三。 總括而言,醫學界一直致力尋找更精準可靠和非入侵性的前列腺癌篩查方法,避免因過度診斷和過度治療及由此引起的種種副作用。另一方面,前列腺癌的治療在過去十年也出現長足的進步,無論微創手術方式和放射治療技術都大大改善,寄語男士們不要因為害怕治療而逃避接受前列腺癌篩查。 誰該驗PSA? 香港泌尿外科學會建議的PSA篩檢:

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Uro-Oncology Asia 2021

Registration of Hong Kong Society of Uro-oncology (HKSUO) Uro-Oncology Asia 2021 started.Date: 16-17 January 2021 (Sat – Sun)For details and registration, please visit: https://www.uro-oncology-asia.org

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